no "hello"


Unnecessary pleasantries waste time and effort in task-based conversations. In the No Hello Club we never start a request for information or help with a useless phrase like "Hello".

If someone has shared this with you or has this link in their profile, it means they won't be offended if you skip the pleasantries and get straight to the point. Do still be polite, and feel free to have social conversations!

Consider this conversation:

HelloMonday 17:30 UTC

Hi!Monday 17:35 UTC

How are you?Monday 17:40 UTC

I'm alright, thanks.Monday 17:51 UTC

Can I ask you a question?Tuesday 09:30 UTC

Sure.Tuesday 17:08 UTC

Awesome! My question is ...Tuesday 17:18 UTC

Ah, the answer is ...Wednesday 16:41 UTC

Damn, it was that simple. Thanks so much!Wednesday 16:54 UTC

To get the answer it took nine messages. With each message adding significant delay thanks to context-switching.

The most effective method of asking the question? Just ask the question!

Hello, I hope you are doing well!
I have a question, I hope you don't mind: the question ...Monday 17:30 UTC

I'm good, thanks for asking. No worries, the answer is ...Monday 17:35 UTC

Damn, it was that simple. Thanks so much!Monday 17:40 UTC

Being succinct and effective does not have to be rude,
it demonstrates respect for the other person's time.